House Ecaz
Coming soon...
"The stellar reputation of House Atreides owes a lot to its leader’s commanding style: firm yet honorable and fair. By imperial decree, the Atreides have just inherited the stewardship of Arrakis and have a lot of work to do to take over from the Harkonnens."
+ Gain +10% Landsraad Standing
"The Lady Jessica is Duke Leto’s concubine. Although she is a Bene Gesserit, her loyalty always goes to house Atreides before the Sisterhood."
"One of Leto’s must trusted men and House Atreides’ Swordmaster. Duncan was tasked with being Leto’s ambassador to the Fremen upon their arrival on Arrakis."
+ Can speed up mission progress and construction of Village Buildings at the cost of Solari
"Thufir is an elderly Mentat—a human computer—, and also House Atreides’ Master of Assassins. Renowned in the Landsraad for being both outstandingly cunning and honorable, Thufir is also a master in the art of war and political instruction."
+ Military units start with 1 more Experience level
"Warmaster and poet, Gurney’s indefectible loyalty and long service to House Atreides earned him the status of valued friend and confident. While not exactly a handsome man, his combined abilities to sing and fight without missing a note make him both a charismatic and fearsome fighter."
Troopers are fierce melee fighters. They become stronger when supported by specialized units
Armed with medium-range projectile weapons, rangers are best used alongside defensive units that can protect them
Equipped with rocket launchers, these specialists can easily breach enemy defenses and open the way for other units
This heavy, remote-controlled drone is well suited for combat, but its primary purpose is to provide field support to nearby units
The Wardens are the Atreides' elite section. Equipped with heavy duty armors, shields and swords, they are ready to give their lives to defend their allies
Fashioned after the heraldic bird of House Atreides, the Hawk harasses weakened enemies with its two machine guns
This utility frigate has heavy shielding and a large cabin area to keep wounded troops out of harms way. They will live to fight another day
Atreides Delegation
Reaching agreements with highly regarded factions is a good way to be highly regarded yourself
Understand the Beauty
Power doesn’t have to be solely about imposing your will; you can sometimes get more with truth and trust
Atreides Delegation
Everybody likes a good deal
New Homeland
You will have a significant edge if you can make your armies feel at home on a planet like Arrakis
Coming soon...
There’s a fine line between smugglers and full-fledged bandits, and Esmar Tuek is adept at walking that line. Smugglers can provide anything to anyone, provided they put the price… and do not look at the specifics too closely.
Fremen are the only people native to Arrakis and will do anything to protect their way against the offworlders. While their leader, Liet-Kynes, doesn’t originally come from Dune, she is every bit as determined and attached to the planet as the next Fremen.
Imperial House Corrino has ruled the galaxy for ten millenia, and Shaddam IV intends to keep it that way. The situation on Arrakis calls for the direct intervention of the Padishah Emperor, who will use all His wit and the might of His administration to turn the war to His benefit.