House Ecaz
Coming soon...
"Fremen are the only people native to Arrakis and will do anything to protect their way against the offworlders. While their leader, Liet-Kynes, doesn’t originally come from Dune, she is every bit as determined and attached to the planet as the next Fremen."
+ Gain +1 Intel production per adjacent neutral region
"Chani is a young Fremen mothered by the famous imperial planetologist Liet-Kynes. A bold and charismatic woman and an adept fighter, she is loyal to her native people and is determined to do whatever it takes to remove any lingering Harkonnen presence from her planet."
+ Controlled regions with a Spice Field give -20% upkeep to adjacent controlled regions and to themselves
"Stilgar is the Naib—the leader—of Sietch Tabr, one of the most prominent Fremen communities on Arrakis. A wise and honorable leader, he has a soft spot for Chani Kynes, whom he regards as his niece."
+ Harvesting Teams gain Stealth and can receive 1 additional Crew
"Ramallo is an elderly Sayyadina, a rogue Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother who successfully changed the Water of Life. She therefore possesses a vast knowledge inherited from her foremothers, and her immense wisdom makes her a reverend mother figure among the Fremen."
"Otheym is a renowned and fearsome Fremen fighter who left Sietch Gara Kulon for Sietch Tabr led by Stilgar. A wise and loyal if a bit gruff man, he likes to be in the first lines, be it in combat or through experimenting with new kinds of strategies."
These Fremen fighters are adept at maintaining a high efficiency in the harsh, arid environments of Arrakis. Dune is their homeworld, and they will always defend it
This demolition squad specializes in destroying enemy vehicles
Stealthy units specializing in melee combat, able to exploit weaknesses in the enemies' armor and striking where it hurts most
Fremen had to adopt their strategies to fight increasingly armoured invaders. A small team wielding stolen offworld artillery can wreak havoc unto enemies' air units, while remaining discret and fast enough to evade the retribution
The elite Fremen warriors are completely fearless and dreaded by all. No unit is better fitted for skirmishes in the desert, even when grossly outnumbered
Made from an ornithopter carcass, the Spire differentiates itself by its superior firepower
Made from odds and ends of many ships, this aeronef can be customised to meet the needs of its makers
Sietch Network
Each rallied Sietch brings the Fremen closer to victory!
Desert Shadows
Secrets are best kept by fewer guardians, and a strong encryption code
Dune Wanderers
Only the Fremen can say they understand the desert
Sand Walk Mastery
A single Fremen on a sand walk won't attract worms, but a full army will, unless they become masters at it
Desert Mastery
Accepting the desert and its harshness is the only way to survive it
Spice Market
Digging into the deep knowledge of the Fremen people can unlock many possibilities
Arrakis Secrets
The offworlders are not the only ones who need vast amounts of Spice
Spice Hegemony
A focus on Spice can bring many rewards
Spreading the Faith
Spirituality is a powerful weapon when wielded by the righteous, or the cunning
Desert Command
The Fremen would be unstoppable if they could all be united
Coming soon...
House Harkonnen shares its chilling reputation with its leader, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. They have been called despotic, merciless, scheming and devious. And those are only their finer qualities.
There’s a fine line between smugglers and full-fledged bandits, and Esmar Tuek is adept at walking that line. Smugglers can provide anything to anyone, provided they put the price… and do not look at the specifics too closely.
Imperial House Corrino has ruled the galaxy for ten millenia, and Shaddam IV intends to keep it that way. The situation on Arrakis calls for the direct intervention of the Padishah Emperor, who will use all His wit and the might of His administration to turn the war to His benefit.